How to unlock my iPhone once found
Now I need to unlock it but it won’t let me
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
Now I need to unlock it but it won’t let me
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
if you mean you don't know the passcode then read If you forgot the passcode on your iPhone, or your iPhone is disabled - Apple Support
if you mean activation lock then
the activation lock is not really on the iphone it's a
theft protection measure on apples servers
it needs to be removed
How to remove Activation Lock - Apple Support
if you don't know your appleID
if that does not help you then you need the assistance
of apple
Additional Support - Activation Lock ( and or
Get Support ( , Genius Bar Reservation and Apple Support Options - Apple
if you mean you don't know the passcode then read If you forgot the passcode on your iPhone, or your iPhone is disabled - Apple Support
if you mean activation lock then
the activation lock is not really on the iphone it's a
theft protection measure on apples servers
it needs to be removed
How to remove Activation Lock - Apple Support
if you don't know your appleID
if that does not help you then you need the assistance
of apple
Additional Support - Activation Lock ( and or
Get Support ( , Genius Bar Reservation and Apple Support Options - Apple
How to unlock my iPhone once found