jeca0528 Said:
"iCloud Issue: A couple of years ago, I requested to delete my Apple ID. Unfortunately, I forgot to log out the Apple ID that was requested to delete on my other device. So now, I can't update my other device because the Apple ID has been deleted already. How this can be resolved?"
Contact Apple Support:
It probably cannot be resolved, as only the person who has this account can log out of it. But, being that you closed your Apple Account, you likely cannot log out of it, as no one has this account. So, contact Apple Support, asking them what your options are from here.
Apple Support Contact Info:
Note: Phone calls are taking a bit to go through at the moment, due to lots of calls. And that makes sense because with the Coronavirus Pandemic, many are at home at the moment, with much time on their hands to contact Apple. So, just stay on the line, and you will get through :)