Final cut transitions
I have created a movie in Final Cut pro 10.5.3 with 136 still pictures. How can I insert transitions so one picture fades to black into the next?
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I have created a movie in Final Cut pro 10.5.3 with 136 still pictures. How can I insert transitions so one picture fades to black into the next?
Dear Tom, I didn't succeed in creating the transitions following the steps you indicated. I want to thank you for steering me in the right direction. It turns out that when I try the last step, I got a legend saying there was not enough space between frames to accommodate the transitions. I could create transitions creating more space between frames and by experimenting with the I realized is nod fading but cross-disolves what works in my project. Again, thank you very much. Carlos de Hoyos.
Dear Tom, I didn't succeed in creating the transitions following the steps you indicated. I want to thank you for steering me in the right direction. It turns out that when I try the last step, I got a legend saying there was not enough space between frames to accommodate the transitions. I could create transitions creating more space between frames and by experimenting with the I realized is nod fading but cross-disolves what works in my project. Again, thank you very much. Carlos de Hoyos.
Find the fade to color transition. Right click and set as default. Select all the stills and press Cmd-T.
Thank you Tom for your input, however in Transitions I can't find the "fade to color" option". I only see disolves as an option.
Any other suggestion for how to access "Fade to color"?
You only have a dissolves category? Can you post a screenshot of what you have in transitions. You get no result if you use the search box for fade?
This is what I have: I searche fade to color at the bottom.
Have you ever installed Chrome on this Mac?
Please take a screenshot and use the image button in the reply box to add it to the message.
Final cut transitions