lorifromfrisco wrote:
So, the list provided above, with the link to the iPad OS 15 Preview is not necessarily accurate? It seems counterintuitive to make users wait until the release date to determine if their device is out of obsolete, doesn't it? We have about 60 of these devices at work and I need to forecast our upgrade budget. I cannot wait until the release date to find out I need to replace them. I'm certainly hopeful that the list provided is accurate! Thank you.
If its in the preview website, it's pretty much set in stone, unless something really strange happens. so for all intents and purposes yes, the iPad mini 4 will be supported with iOS 15 when its released.
I don't believe there's ever been a change between the preview website, and the final support list in the 15 years apple has been making iOS devices.
LotusPilot may simply not have been aware of the preview website stating compatibility.