How do i cancel the subscription to Guided Meditation and Sleep?
I want to cancel a subscription which is still in the Free time period. How do I do it?
I want to cancel a subscription which is still in the Free time period. How do I do it?
Follow the steps here: link-> How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
If the subscription does not have a Cancel button, and has an "Expires" date, then its not set to renew, so there's nothing to cancel.
Follow the steps here: link-> How to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
If the subscription does not have a Cancel button, and has an "Expires" date, then its not set to renew, so there's nothing to cancel.
These support pages provide comprehensive information about how to manage your subscriptions - both from your devices, or from your AppleID account:
Subscriptions and Billing - Official Apple Support
How to cancel a subscription from Apple – Apple Support
If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed – Apple Support
How do i cancel the subscription to Guided Meditation and Sleep?