Apple Music Family Plan w/macOS
For years my wife, daughter, and I have used iTunes and now the Music App on macOS to rip and store our CDs, and HDTracks downloads. We have a common Mac mini with our own accounts, but share the same music library. Each of us also syncs our iPhones by plugging in to the Mac and then selecting which CD's or songs we want to sync.
We now have an Apple One family subscription, and I have begun using Apple Music to augment my library and sync music between my devices (iPhone, iPad, TV). As far as I can tell, my account is working fine on all my devices, if I add music on any one, it shows up on the others.
Now I want to get my wife & daughter 'switched over' to using Apple Music as I am, and want to do it right, if that's possible. My inclination is to have them log into the Mac and make changes in Music Preferences as I did, primarily to turn 'Sync' on for their Apple ID, then if that goes well, do the same for their other devices -- including the shared TV.
So I ask the experts, Is this a good strategy? Or is there a better way to handle Music with our family plan and use scenario? Does the common library on the Mac present an issue, or will our separate accounts handle the situation?
I thank you for your help and advice!