Weird Facetime & IMessage
My old lady has been having some odd occurrences with Facetime and IMessage lately. Recently when one of her friends (it only happens with this friend specifically) Facetimes her she will answer the call and for whatever reason, she immediately starts to get another Facetime call from the same friend even though she already answered the first call. This will continue to happen throughout their call and even if she ends the Facetime and Facetimes the friend back it still occurs. She has also said had instances where she will text her friend and in that text thread that she has had forever, she will get a random text saying "Who dis" and this has happened multiple times. Last night she received a Facetime from who she thought was her friend because that is what popped up on her phone screen but it turned out that it was a couple of kids. I should also mention that she had 2 numbers for this friend saved in her phone under 2 different last names (because the friend was married at one point) the friend also had 2 iPhones at one point hence the 2 numbers but she got rid of one of the phones when she moved. Any ideas??? TIA