Can I use an HDMI splitter with my M1 Mac Mini?
I would like to use two monitors but reserve the USB-C Thunderbolt port for something else. Can I connect two monitors via HDMI if I use an HDMI splitter?
Mac mini, macOS 11.4
I would like to use two monitors but reserve the USB-C Thunderbolt port for something else. Can I connect two monitors via HDMI if I use an HDMI splitter?
Mac mini, macOS 11.4
that’s incorrect. The current line of blackmagic atem switchers are the current standard in live stream switching. They are up to date and have no issues with 4k streaming.
so let’s forget about the switcher for a minute.
the majority of live events are currently hybrid. This means the hdmi output has to be duplicated. 1 to the screen for the live event, and one to the streaming device for live stream purposes. Usually we use a simple hdmi splitter for this.
is there a solution for this? Otherwise the brand new macbook pro m1 is useless for any professional congress or live event presentation.
fake boxes? You do realize that you can’t usd the m1 apple in any congress environment? It doesnt work with anything, and there doesn’t seem to be an original hdmi splitter. All previous macbooks worked well. I am an event technician. This is a major flaw of the M1 chip, not a minor inconvenience. People will show up with their brand new macbook to do powerpoint presentations on fixed installations and it will not work. Also you wont be able to put your presentation on a livesream, since it will see a camera switchboard as “ multiple monitors’
i am very much regretting i have bought the new macbook pro.
Yes if you want only one active at any one time. No if you want both working simultaneously.
Like I’ve mentioned already, you need to find a solution that doesn’t use HDMI splitters or your MacBook. Ask around, you’ll find that the world, including Congress, is chugging along just fine without them. You can feedback your grievance here…but it’s likely by design not accidental, so the chances of it being “fixed” are IMO, zero. All the best!
Hey Man, so to be clear here, you are saying even with a HDMI splitter connected the M1 Mac Mini can only output display only on one monitor and not the other?
Gadgets set up:
2 monitors
KVM switcher 2in 2out (will this work?)
1 Mac mini
1 pc
Hello, So that means that if i have a customer that needs to do a presentation with his brand new macbook pro m1, and he needs to connect it to my blackmagic atem switcher, which sends one output to the projector and one to my multiview it won't work? In this case the M1 chip would be completely unusable for current business presentation setups. Please tell me this is not true!
I’m not familiar with the blackmagic Atem switcher but based on posts here about issues having to do with 1080i, it appears to be behind the times in more ways than one, at least by Apple standards. So I wouldn’t count on it IIWY.
Jumping in here with much respect to @ hcsitas, and having no direct experience with the new M1 Macs… but it seems to me unreasonable to expect that an HDMI output signal from any device cannot be simply multiplied and distributed to more than a single monitor. I’m recalling the uncountable times I’ve walked the electronics section at any local department store and viewed the wall of TVs and monitors all displaying the same image. Is that somehow fundamentally different than what you are trying to accomplish? Isn’t that done with a splitter (multiplier?)… one HDMI signal input to a splitter, duplicated and output to multiple monitors?
I can understand a computer’s inability to support and output two individually unique HDMI signals to multiple monitors, but not the seemingly simple replication of one signal output to two devices. I mean, that seems like a no-brainer to me. 🤷🏽♂️
Well, not that I’m happy, but no surprise here to be honest. FWIW you can try with a non-M1 Mac.
But I wouldn’t, instead look for a solution that doesn’t require these fake boxes (not too dissimilar from the defeat boxes installed by VW, except that they’re not illegal, at least not yet). The reason is that even when they’re reported to work, they are flaky and restrictive. Also, a fake box that works today might not tomorrow, especially with Apple. So IMO, you should ditch this splitter idea and find another way. Good luck!
And why should they? Mac will not play nice with any HDMI splitter, or will keep fixing their hardware/MacOS until it gets there. In the Apple world at least, these fake boxes are on borrowed time. Good!
Just tried the macbook pro m1 with a simple but good splitter to computer projector and 2 monitors on stage, mirror inages for powerpoint only. Nothing. All black screens
Awww… That’s too bad. Thank you anyway.
Yes man, only one monitor from the mini’s HDMI port. No, won’t work.
Why not just try it? And update here? I’m open to being contradicted, and in your case, sure hope so. Good luck!
Can I use an HDMI splitter with my M1 Mac Mini?