hi all,
Just as a quick follow-up to my original question. I've now used the feature as described and it work fine (although photos sometimes does have a hard time presenting the right contents in the smart album -- may a performance point).
However, this brings me to the question behind the question: why would I want this. I thought this would help clean / complete my photo library. And to an extent, it does.
However, there are two observations I now have that I think are worth sharing:
- I'm finding myself adding 'faces' where actually I don't see a good face but just want to record who is who in the picture. Maybe it is better to tag people not this way. It is a bit confusion Photos calls it "Persons" but then shows faces... so I'm nor sure that I want to tag each and every picture with all recognizable people in the photo. Maybe that also is overdoing it.
- Many faces are actually not that valuable to me in my library. They are 'people' in that sense, but just not the people I'm looking for. Currently I'm leaving these recognized faces as they can be hidden in the View -> Hide names with faces option. However, together with finding people, I might want to categorize them as "strangers". I'm fearful however that may screw up the AI some way if I start labeling them to be one "stranger"...
Hope this helps someone that's still at the beginning of their need for a clean photo library ;-)