sachinsingla Said:
"White spots on apple logo MacBook: [...] I recently bought a new MacBook Pro 2020 M1. It's just 2 days old.[...]That is not debris for sure. I tried cleaning with the cloth obviously before posting this here."
Perhaps this is a Faulty Device?:
Note that you have a one-year, out-of-the-box, limited-warranty with this. So, if it is covered under warranty, then see if you can get the screen replaced. Being faulty, it likely would be nothing on you. Ask Apple Support for a new screen.
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NOTE: Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, calls are taking a bit linger to get through. And, that makes sense, because many are at home working out-of-the-house or are taking classes over-the-web, this they have more time on their hands to contact Apple Support. So, it might take a bit to get through to Apple Support. But, just stay on the line, and someone will be with you :)