What is error 4000 mean
What is the meaning of error 4000 that comes up in Itunes after updating the software. How do you fix this error so I can have my software updated
Windows, Windows 10
What is the meaning of error 4000 that comes up in Itunes after updating the software. How do you fix this error so I can have my software updated
Windows, Windows 10
fast9 wrote:
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This is not a chat service, and is not a way to communicate directly with Apple; it is a user-to-user technical support forum. If you have a question or issue that you think another user can help you with please describe it in as much detail as you can and a user who sees your request and thinks they can help will answer, but that might not be immediate; it could be hours later.
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You have not solved my problem or answer my question
See this excellent explanation written by Lawrence Finch.
If you see Error 4000 updating your iPhon… - Apple Community
I have windows 10
How do you fix this error
What is error 4000 mean