In a previous thread regarding this issue, jeffsyrop suggested the following: Here is the solution to the problem. I posted it somewhere else, and I'm sorry I didn't post it here, too, since I'm the one who asked the original question! Apparently my database file for the Oxford English (American) dictionary got corrupted. These instructions, posted by Grant Ireland in Hong Kong, were perfect (except for one minor step he left out). Here they are, with the missing step now included:
I had a major success today by finally finding some instructions for fixing a my broken I could not force click to look up a word, and I could not use the US English Oxford dictionary, while all the others worked fine. And my Preference window was missing a pain that showed up on Ruey's computer but not on mine. I had to:
- Set preferences in so that no dictionaries are enabled.
- Close the app.
- Go into recovery mode [on new MacBook Air, just shut down and then hold down start button while restarting until you see boot options].
- Open Terminal, type "csrutil disable", and restart computer.
- Go to 2 long folder paths: /System/Library/AssetsV2/PreinstalledAssetsV2/InstallWithOs/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX and /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_DictionaryServices_dictionaryOSX and delete everything inside.
- Restart Dictionary and set the dictionaries you want, and they will all download from Apple right before your eyes !
- EMPTY YOUR TRASH! (this was the missing step)
- Go back into recovery mode and run "csrutil enable" and reboot.
I'd been fighting with this dictionary problem for 2 months! So thank you Grant Ireland! Here was his answer, and it was NOT easy to find on line!
-End suggestion-
I have followed the 2 long folder paths to discover that those do not exist in my /System/Library/AssetsV2/. I suspect this is the problem but how do I correct it?