Hi Lyzardo,
By "all in the same project," do you mean you want to collect the Sheets, Tables and objects created by these templates into a single document?
Could be a fairly simple matter.
Create one document of each type from it's template.
Most of the tables in these documets will have names specific to their purpose. Check that this is true for the documents you have created, and make a list of the Table names (and the Sheet names) used in each of the documents.
Edit that list to provide each Table a distinct name that is still specific to the purpose of the table, but dies not duplicate the name of any other table in the collection. If you needed to change any of the names, take the time to edit the names of the actual Tables to match the revised names on the list.
Do the same for the Sheet names. you may want to use a short prefix from the name of the original, plus a part noting it's pat in the work of that document.
Pick one of the documents as the master Document.
Copy the first sheet of that document, using the Copy Sheet menu item in the pop-up menu in the Sheet's Tab.
Paste the sopied sheet into the Master document using the pop-up menu in the last Sheet's Tab.
Repeat with the rest of the sheets.
GO throughthe sheets and check and repair any broken links between formulas referencing cells on other tables.
Not fully tested.
work on Copies of your existing documents or on documents created directly from the templates, and not containing 'real' data.
You may find this multi-purpose document works more slowly than the separate parts.