Hi doaa102,
Welcome to the Apple Community.
We are all Apple users here, like yourself, so do not have access to your accounts, or records.
Wondering if this subscription was purchased from Apple, or using your Apple ID ?
You might want to browse the Apple Support articles online (links below) that may help:
How to cancel a subscription from Apple:
If the subscription that you want to cancel is not listed:
Get help with subscriptions not billed through Apple:
"You might have purchased some subscriptions through another company, including:
- Content or services purchased through a website (streaming video and music services, dating apps, etc.).
- Content or services purchased through an app on another company’s platform (like signing up for Netflix through the Google Play store).
Apple doesn't handle billing and membership changes for subscriptions that you purchased outside without using your Apple ID. Steps to change or cancel third-party subscriptions vary based on the app developer."
If you want to make changes or cancel third-party subscriptions, you might need to sign in to the company’s website.
Complete: article: https://support.apple.com/en-au/HT207865
Cancelling subscriptions is slightly different in Israel, South Africa, and Turkey
Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple
Some purchases from the App Store, iTunes Store,
Apple Books, or other Apple services might be eligible for a refund.
You can use any device with a web browser to request a refund.
or, if needed.
There is a "Get Support" link to Apple, at top right on this discussion page.
Hope this helps you :-)