HWTech wrote:
Use the Terminal app to try to manually mount the external drive to see if it may provide an actual error message. You will need to correct drive identifier for the volume on the external drive. You can get this by using Disk Utility. Using your screenshot as an example the drive identifier is "disk2s2", you must verify the drive identifier each time you mount the drive because the identifier will likely change. Here is the sample command where I use a generic drive identifier of "diskX" so make sure to replace "diskX" in my example with the correct drive identifier such as "disk2s2":
diskutil mount readOnly diskX
Oops, the command I suggested for mounting the volume is slightly incomplete as I forgot to include the "s2" part of the identifier which tells the command to mount the APFS volume such as "Nassau 22". The command should look like the following example, but replace the "X" in "diskXs2" with the proper identifier (at the time the screenshot was taken it would be "disk2s2".
diskutil mount readOnly diskXs2
If the drive identifier is "disk2s2" as shown in the screenshot, the command becomes:
diskutil mount readOnly disk2s2
Note to @TheLittles and @Dogcow-Moof, I suggested the command line method of mounting as it is more likely to produce an error message if the mounting process fails plus the command is mounting the volume as Read-Only which should make it more likely for the command to work in case there is a file system issue. I've found recent versions of Disk Utility may not even give an error message and may just silently fail making the user wonder if the "mount" button even activated.