Help me to find if my airpods pro are fake pr priginal?
hi. I want to know as of my knowledge, airpods pro's firmware is 4A400. but my airpods pro shows 3A283. Is it okay? I Want to know are my airpods genuine?
hi. I want to know as of my knowledge, airpods pro's firmware is 4A400. but my airpods pro shows 3A283. Is it okay? I Want to know are my airpods genuine?
serial number is okay. But when I connect my airpods to my laptop and check then by 3uTools, 3uTool shows the similar message and ask to connect airpods even my airpods are connected.
serial number is okay. But when I connect my airpods to my laptop and check then by 3uTools, 3uTool shows the similar message and ask to connect airpods even my airpods are connected.
Check the serial number of your AirPod:
Find the serial number of your AirPods - Apple Support
Then see the reply to:
Check my serial number to make sure my ai… - Apple Community
Help me to find if my airpods pro are fake pr priginal?