(RESOLVED) I had to go to the Terminal and do the commands it states in this link: https://militarycac.com/macuninstall.htm - I recall seeing this but it recommends I do it twice….after that and a restart, the certificates popped up. Hope this helps others who upgraded to Monterey because this really shut me down for a bit and even wasting money another CAC. I simply needed to "re-enable" my built-in Smart Card.
NOTE3: If you have recently updated to Mac OS Catalina (10.15.x), Mac OS Big Sur (11.00.x), or Mac OS Monterrey (12.00.x) you need to re-enable the built in Smart Card ability after removing all installed enablers listed above:
1. Remove your CAC from the reader
2. Open Terminal, by typing Terminal in the spotlight search
3. Copy the entire command below [starting with sudo, and ending with pivtoken] and paste it into the terminal window (or manually retype it)
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.smartcard DisabledTokens -array && sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.security.smartcard EnabledTokens -array com.apple.CryptoTokenKit.pivtoken
3a. I recommend you run this command twice.
4. When prompted for your computer password, know that the cursor will not move, type it in, and hit enter to process.
5. After performing these steps, the built in smart card ability should be enabled.
6. Logout of Terminal,
7. Restart computer