Off the beaten trail.
I have had this happen to me a dozen or so times in the fast few months. Maps takes me off a hwy and directs me to drive through a city street or through a scenic route and put me back on the same hwy again, losing lots of time.
For example, when I was in Quebec, I was taking the hwy 30 bypass around Montreal, I don't know my way around there, so I follow the maps closely. Maps directed me off hwy 30, onto a street that followed along hwy 30 in a 60 km zone with tons of traffic lights and then directs me back onto the hwy. It's bizarre. It did it to me again last night on my way home from Halifax. I am on a divided hwy, It directs me off, I follow a winding road through a few built up and slow areas, and then puts me back on the expressway again.
At first I thought is directing me away from an accident or a serious traffic jam. But it is not. I looked into it. A few times I have been on the phone with my wife as I am driving, and she is checking out why the misdirection and there seems to be no apparent reason. Once she saved me from serious misdirection on hwy 20 in Quebec that would have taken 45 mins to recover. It seems to me that sometimes it tries to find the shortest route, as the crow flies, but it takes me through small towns and curvy roads when it is so much better to stay on the expressway.
When I am driving in my car, I can't check out the prescribed route when asking for directions, I have to trust the maps to get me there when I ask for directions.
Thank you for reading this and if you have any suggestions or advice or similar problems, I would appreciate hearing it.