How do I remove photos from my iPhone without losing them on iCloud?
There are way too many photos on my iPhone and they are using most of its storage.
I do not wish to lose these photos but I would like to remove many from the iPhone. They are backed up in iCloud.
How do I remove photos from my iPhone without losing them on iCloud?
I've seen posts that say to disable sync with iCloud to prevent photos deleted from iPhone from being deleted on iCloud but that does not solve the problem. At some point, I will need my phone to sync with iCloud again and when it does, those deleted photos will disappear, yes?
There have also been posts saying to download all photos to a MacBook and then un-sync it. My MacBook is only showing photos up through March 16th. I cannot tell if photos shown are on my MacBook or on iCloud.
Can some please provide clear, step-by-step instructions on how to remove photos from my iPhone without losing them altogether?
Thank you
MacBook Air