I have a pop up that says viruses have been detected on my iPhone and my battery has been infected what do I do
What should I do
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 15
What should I do
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 15
can iphone become infected with viruses/malware or do i need a virus protection app
can iphone become infected with viruses/malware or do i need a virus protection app
Welcome to Apple Support Community!
If you are receiving those pop ups, they are coming from safari.
I am going to post a great resource to help you remove those safari pop ups.
About Pop-Up Ads and windows in safari: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203987
Make sure that you check this: On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, go to Settings > Safari and turn on Block Pop-ups and Fraudulent Website Warning.
Hope this helps ;)
I have a pop up says virus have infected my iPhone
leslexus Said:
"I have a pop up that says viruses have been detected on my iPhone and my battery has been infected what do I do: What should I do"
All is fine.
You should blow it off. There is no virus on your iPhone.
AvaTroy Said:
"I have a pop up says virus have infected my iPhone"
It's no more than a scam. So, report it to Apple. Do as I've Instructed here: Using the Photos App to Report Scams - User Tip
I have a pop up that says viruses have been detected on my iPhone and my battery has been infected what do I do