Potential scams via text…
What if I received a text saying someone sent me money and I clicked on the link. Should I worry about this? Or is there some type of way to fix the potential issue? Thanks…
iPhone 11 Pro
What if I received a text saying someone sent me money and I clicked on the link. Should I worry about this? Or is there some type of way to fix the potential issue? Thanks…
iPhone 11 Pro
If you just clicked on the link and did not enter any of your credentials anywhere (login and password information) then you are fine and nothing was compromised. If you entered a login and password at that website then change the password of that account that is involved.
There is no sure fire way to prevent this issue completely at this time. The best method of protecting your data and deterring scam is to arm yourself with the knowledge and information about scams and how are they used in today’s environment. The more you know, the better defense you will have.
All about scams and phishing -
Beware of ➔ Phishing & Other Suspicious Emails
Know how to Identify legitimate emails from the App Store or iTunes Store
Avoid phishing emails, fake 'virus' alerts, phony support calls, and other scams ➔ Use these tips to avoid scams and learn what to do if you think your Apple ID has been compromised.
Axel F.
If you just clicked on the link and did not enter any of your credentials anywhere (login and password information) then you are fine and nothing was compromised. If you entered a login and password at that website then change the password of that account that is involved.
There is no sure fire way to prevent this issue completely at this time. The best method of protecting your data and deterring scam is to arm yourself with the knowledge and information about scams and how are they used in today’s environment. The more you know, the better defense you will have.
All about scams and phishing -
Beware of ➔ Phishing & Other Suspicious Emails
Know how to Identify legitimate emails from the App Store or iTunes Store
Avoid phishing emails, fake 'virus' alerts, phony support calls, and other scams ➔ Use these tips to avoid scams and learn what to do if you think your Apple ID has been compromised.
Axel F.
Apple Messages can send money. That looks like this: Send and receive money with Apple Cash - Apple Support
SMS text messages cannot.
Most likely, you’ve “just” invited more spam and more spams, and you’ e made your number more valuable for sale to other scammers and spammers. Unless you’re really valuable as a target or if haven’t been keeping your iPhone patched to current, probably the worst you’ve done is attract more spam. Unfortunately, there’s no absolute certainty here.
Some of the many scams: Recognize and avoid phishing messages, phony support calls, and other scams - Apple Support
Never click a link from an unknown source ever.
That in itself informs the scammer that the random number they texted you is associated with your Apple ID.
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Potential scams via text…