From what can be read from the above Report, which is almost impossible to read - this is what has been found.
Hopefully - a clean Report with more details will be posted as per previous instruction.
Battery failure
Your battery is reporting that it needs to be serviced.
There are unsigned software files installed that could be adware and should be reviewed
There are a large number of system modifications running in the background.
Corrupt file hosts - Count: 8 - Corrupt - should be removed as per Developers Specific Instructions. - should be removed as per Developers Specific Instructions.
Any Third Party Applications that will interfere with the normal operation of the OS, alter, modify, remove or delete or attempt to do so is an invitation for disaster and may require a Reinstallation of the OS.
This includes AntiVirus, Disk Cleaners, Disk Optimizes, UnInstaller etc.
The The Built in Security is all that is required.