Value Change in lookup bel..keep current entries
I have a rental document for a stable yard.
Date/Name/Month/Amount/ Tenant Running Total 1 -2-3 etc / Total of all.
Now I wanted to Create a LooKup table, so when ever I enter a Tenants name in the Name column, the individual Amounts is filled in to their line,
Easy enough from what I can see.
IF halfway through the year, I put their rent up because they rent another horse box or field, change their agreement to Fulliverry etc..I want to change the entry in the LookUp Table.
From what I understand, that will then go and change all previous entries for previous months of the year
How can I set it up so that Once the LOOKUP function is used and an entry is taken from it in to he main sheet, that value does not change even when in future months, the value in the LOOKUP table changes.