Logic Pro X Missing Audio Files BUG (URGENT)
Hello, I have been getting a problem with missing audio files since my project was forced quitted.
After force quitting, I opened the project and recorded new audios. Then, when I quit and reopen the project, the recorded audio I just did were shown as empty without the shape of waves.
Even the new recordings are in the audio file folders in the project file on Finder, it doesn't ask for locating the missing audio files when opening the project and when I checked the media windows on logic where I can check all the audio files of the proect, it doesn't show the new audio files that I recorded newly. So, it seems like logic doesn't recognize my new recordings.
So, I actually drag and drop one audio by one to my project then saved it. But, when I reopen the project, that new audio files kept empty....
Even though, I tried saving as and saving as copy both, it still shows like that.... Can anyone help me with this? I don't know what to do..
Thank you. .