Issue Restoring from a backup from my Mac stuck at Apps
Attempting iphone 11 restore from backup from my Mac. After I press Restore Backup on my Mac's Finder blue status bar progresses then stops. What can I do to resolve this?
Attempting iphone 11 restore from backup from my Mac. After I press Restore Backup on my Mac's Finder blue status bar progresses then stops. What can I do to resolve this?
princecholo wrote:
Hmmm i've backed up from Mac and from another iphone. Apps have always been restored.
Sure. But that's always after the data restore is complete and then only from the App Store via Wi-Fi (or maybe 5G now?). Do you have a solid connection to Wi-Fi?
Apps are not part of a backup. They are downloaded from the app store after the restore of the backup completes.
What's the blue status bar? Not familiar with what that is.
Hmmm i've backed up from Mac and from another iphone. Apps have always been restored.
Yes, they have always been restored from the App Store. Apple stopped keeping copies of apps in iTunes about 5 years ago.
Issue Restoring from a backup from my Mac stuck at Apps