I have forgot my MacBook Air PW.
How do I open my macbook
Air without my password?
MacBook Air 13″, 11.6
How do I open my macbook
Air without my password?
MacBook Air 13″, 11.6
You forgot your Mac's password. Here's how to get back into your locked-down computer
You forgot your Mac's password. Here's how to get back into your locked-down computer
Reset Computer Password
Intel Computer
1 - Restart computer and immediately hold Command + r keys
2 - Top Tool Bar >> Utilities >> Terminal
3 - Type resetpassword as one word and no spaces
4 - Press Return key
5 - Follow the prompts and remember the New Password
Apple Silicon M1 Computer
1 - Choose Apple menu > > Shut Down.
2 - Press and hold the power button on your Mac until you see “Loading startup options.”
3 - Click Options, then click Continue.
4 - Top Tool Bar >> Utilities >> Terminal
5 - Type resetpassword as one word and no spaces
6 - Press Return key
7 - Follow the prompts and remember the New Password
While I was able to follow your directions earlier to create a pw to open my MacBook, I am now frustrated and stuck at not being able to remember my pw to open the Vault 2 b able to re-install an O/S. I know, I know I’m an idiot for not taking screenshots of these important codes. rm
P, Phillips: Thanks very much. I succeeded in unlocking my MacBook. V good instructions. M
Welcome and Thank you too.
Do come back to the ASC Forums in the future is / or when additional questions my arise
I have forgot my MacBook Air PW.