if I understand your usage correctly, I open Macintosh HD, navigate several levels down to something also called Macintosh HD, open that, and am where I normally start.
You can do it that way if you like to root around like that.
Or, you can just select your home folder from the SideBar (it isn't there by default, but it can be put there). You can also set Finder preferences to open your Home whenever you open a new finder window.
If you like to click on icons, you can add your Home folder to your Desktop as an Alias (Hold down cmd+option and drag an item to the Desktop).
Or, you can type cmd-shift-h to open a new window with your home folder showing.
Or, you can select Home from the Go menu in Finder.
Or, you can open most of the default folders from the Go menu.
Or, you can add your home folder (or any others you like, to the Dock).
Or, you can add aliases of your favorite folders to your Desktop.
Or, you can add your favorite folders to the SideBar.
It's like all the ways you can cook shrimps.
I have no idea why you ever started from Macintosh HD. Way to far up the hierarchy and there is nothing directly inside of it. Waste of time and clicks.