Shazam wrong song feedback…
Is there anyone else out there in the AppleSphere who also loves Apple Music and really appreciates having Shazam to (hopefully) identify a song so they can add it to their collection? As much as I appreciate having Shazam available on my iPhone & Apple Watch S7 45mm Cellular to hopefully identify a song that I really like having the ability to report a search result as a “wrong song” but it seems like a job only half done… Why doesn’t Apple also give us the opportunity to say “yaay way to go Shazam thanks to you I’ve now got a song I really like in my collection!”? Maybe not using as many words obviously but at least it could be something like “you got it right”. Please consider adding that small but very useful option in a Shazam update one day soon Apple. Ur thoughts on this subject please guys, negative or positive I’ll enjoy reading them all!)