unable to connect to itunes store
my iTunes hasn't worked for several months it's never worked I've done all the recommendations but nothing and I really need it to pay for my subscriptions
my iTunes hasn't worked for several months it's never worked I've done all the recommendations but nothing and I really need it to pay for my subscriptions
Hello mintou162,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
We understand you're unable to pay for your subscriptions and access the App Store. We'll be glad to assist.
Try using a different device and following this to get help with your subscription: How to cancel a subscription from Apple
If you're experiencing other issues with connecting, follow this: If you can't connect to the App Store, iTunes Store, or other Apple services
Please connect to a different Wi-Fi network and see if that helps.
If you still need help, complete these steps: If there's an issue when you redownload apps, movies, or other content from Apple
Reach out to Apple directly if additional assistance is needed: Get Support
unable to connect to itunes store