Identifying fakes
Hi anyone able to tell whether this is a fake before I proceed to buy it? I have been scammed before and don’t want to make the same mistake again
[Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Serial Number]
Hi anyone able to tell whether this is a fake before I proceed to buy it? I have been scammed before and don’t want to make the same mistake again
[Image Edited by Moderator to Remove Serial Number]
needhelpasap58 Said:
"Identifying fakes: Hi anyone able to tell whether this is a fake before I proceed to buy it? I have been scammed before and don’t want to make the same mistake again"
Verifying Genuine AirPods:
Hello needhelpasap58,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. We have help to check the serial number of an Apple product. Input the serial number into this link:
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All the best.
Identifying fakes