EtreCheckPro version: 6.5.6 (6F041)
Report generated: 2022-03-16 16:56:39
Download EtreCheckPro from
Runtime: 2:50
Performance: Excellent
Problem: Apps are crashing
Major Issues:
Anything that appears on this list needs immediate attention.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed that could be adware and should be reviewed.
Minor Issues:
These issues do not need immediate attention but they may indicate future problems or opportunities for improvement.
Apps with heavy CPU usage - There have been numerous cases of apps with heavy CPU usage.
Unsigned files - There are unsigned software files installed. Apple has said that unsigned software will not run by default in a future version of the operating system.
System modifications - There are a large number of system modifications running in the background.
x86-only Apps - This computer has x86-only apps might not work on future versions of the operating system.
Kernel extensions present - This computer has kernel extensions that may not work in the future.
Hardware Information:
MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2019, Four Thunderbolt 3 ports)
MacBook Pro Model: MacBookPro15,2
2.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5 (i5-8279U) CPU: 4-core
16 GB RAM - Not upgradeable
BANK 0/ChannelA-DIMM0 - 8 GB LPDDR3 2133
BANK 2/ChannelB-DIMM0 - 8 GB LPDDR3 2133
Battery: Health = Normal - Cycle count = 20
Video Information:
Intel Iris Plus Graphics 655 - VRAM: 1536 MB
MSI MAG341CQ 3440 x 1440
disk0 - APPLE SSD AP0256M 251.00 GB (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
Internal PCI-Express 8.0 GT/s x4 NVM Express
disk0s1 - EFI [EFI] 315 MB
disk0s2 [APFS Container] 250.69 GB
disk1 [APFS Virtual drive] 250.69 GB (Shared by 6 volumes)
disk1s1 (APFS) [APFS Container] (Shared - 15.19 GB used)
disk1s1s1 - M***********D (APFS) [APFS Snapshot] (Shared - 15.19 GB used)
disk1s2 - Preboot (APFS) [APFS Preboot] (Shared - 444 MB used)
disk1s3 - Recovery (APFS) [Recovery] (Shared - 1.11 GB used)
disk1s4 - VM (APFS) [APFS VM] (Shared - 1.07 GB used)
disk1s5 - M************* - Data (APFS) [APFS Virtual drive] (Shared - 131.53 GB used)
disk1s6 - Update (APFS) (Shared - 4 MB used)
disk2 - Apple Disk Image 1.90 TB ()
External Virtual Interface
disk2s1 - EFI (MS-DOS FAT32) [EFI] 210 MB
disk2s2 [APFS Container] 1.90 TB
disk3 [APFS Virtual drive] 1.90 TB (Shared by 1 volumes)
disk3s1 - B**************************) (APFS) (Shared - 353.03 GB used)
Mounted Volumes:
disk1s1s1 - M***********D [APFS Snapshot]
250.69 GB (Shared - 15.19 GB used, 154.91 GB available, 101.20 GB free)
Mount point: /
Read-only: Yes
disk1s2 - Preboot [APFS Preboot]
250.69 GB (Shared - 444 MB used, 101.20 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Preboot
disk1s4 - VM [APFS VM]
250.69 GB (Shared - 1.07 GB used, 101.20 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/VM
disk1s5 - M************* - Data [APFS Virtual drive]
250.69 GB (Shared - 131.53 GB used, 154.91 GB available, 101.20 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Data
disk1s6 - Update
250.69 GB (Shared - 4 MB used, 101.20 GB free)
Mount point: /System/Volumes/Update
disk3s1 - B**************************)
1.90 TB (Shared - 353.03 GB used, 324.51 GB free)
Disk Image
Mount point: /Volumes/B**************************)
Interface en7: Thunderbolt Ethernet Slot 1
Interface en0: Wi-Fi
Interface bridge0: Thunderbolt Bridge
System Software:
macOS Monterey 12.3 (21E230)
Time since boot: About 3 hours
6 notifications
Gatekeeper: App Store and identified developers
System Integrity Protection: Enabled
Antivirus software: Apple and Malwarebytes
Unsigned Files:
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jumpcloud.agent-updater.plist
Executable: bin/jumpcloud-agent-updater
Details: Restrictive config permissions - possibly adware
Launchd: /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jumpcloud.darwin-agent.plist
Executable: /opt/jc/bin/jumpcloud-agent -check-permissions
Details: Exact match found in the legitimate list - probably OK
Apps: 3
Old Applications:
20 x86-only apps
Kernel Extensions:
/Library/Application Support/Logitech.localized/Logitech Options.localized
[Not Loaded] LogiMgrDriver.kext - com.logitech.manager.kernel.driver (8.20.1 - SDK 10.14)
System Launch Daemons:
[Not Loaded] 38 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 180 Apple tasks
[Running] 159 Apple tasks
[Other] 2 Apple tasks
System Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] 16 Apple tasks
[Loaded] 172 Apple tasks
[Running] 168 Apple tasks
Launch Daemons:
[Loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.Communicator.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-01-07)
[Loaded] com.adobe.ARMDC.SMJobBlessHelper.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-01-07)
[Running] com.adobe.acc.installer.v2.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-11-08)
[Loaded] com.adobe.agsservice.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-12-10)
[Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2021-09-19)
[Loaded] com.jumpcloud.agent-updater.plist (? 0 - installed 2022-03-09)
[Running] com.jumpcloud.darwin-agent.plist (? 0 - installed 2022-03-09)
[Running] com.logi.optionsplus.updater.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2022-02-22)
[Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.rtprotection.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2022-02-08)
[Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.settings.daemon.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2022-02-07)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-09-21)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-09-21)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-15)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-11-16)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-12-16)
[Running] com.vanta.metalauncher.plist (Vanta Inc - installed 2022-02-18)
[Running] org.pqrs.Karabiner-DriverKit-VirtualHIDDeviceClient.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-18)
[Running] org.pqrs.karabiner.karabiner_grabber.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-29)
[Running] org.pqrs.karabiner.karabiner_observer.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-29)
[Loaded] us.zoom.ZoomDaemon.plist (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2022-01-10)
Launch Agents:
[Other] com.adobe.ARMDCHelper.cc24aef4a1b90ed56a725c38014c95072f92651fb65e1bf9c8e43c37a23d420d.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-01-07)
[Other] com.adobe.AdobeCreativeCloud.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-02-01)
[Running] com.adobe.GC.AGM.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-12-10)
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-12-10)
[Loaded] com.adobe.ccxprocess.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-03-01)
[Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2021-09-19)
[Loaded] (Google, Inc. - installed 2021-09-19)
[Loaded] com.jumpcloud.jcagent-tray.plist (JUMPCLOUD INC. - installed 2022-03-09)
[Running] com.jumpcloud.user-agent.plist (JUMPCLOUD INC. - installed 2022-03-09)
[Running] com.logi.optionsplus.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2022-02-22)
[Running] com.logitech.manager.daemon.plist (Logitech Inc. - installed 2021-05-12)
[Running] com.malwarebytes.mbam.frontend.agent.plist (Malwarebytes Corporation - installed 2022-02-07)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-09-21)
[Loaded] (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2022-03-15)
[Not Loaded] org.pqrs.karabiner.NotificationWindow.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-20)
[Loaded] org.pqrs.karabiner.agent.karabiner_grabber.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-29)
[Loaded] org.pqrs.karabiner.agent.karabiner_observer.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-29)
[Not Loaded] org.pqrs.karabiner.karabiner_console_user_server.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-29)
[Running] org.pqrs.karabiner.karabiner_session_monitor.plist (Fumihiko Takayama - installed 2021-11-29)
User Launch Agents:
[Not Loaded] com.adobe.GC.Invoker-1.0.plist (Adobe Inc. - installed 2021-12-10)
User Login Items:
[Not Loaded] AppCleaner SmartDelete (Julien Ramseier - installed 2021-02-02)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] BartenderStartAtLoginHelper (Surtees Studios Limited - installed 2021-11-01)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] Bitwarden Login Helper (App Store - installed 2022-02-16)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/ Login
[Running] Google Drive (Google, Inc. - installed 2022-02-02)
[Not Loaded] HPPSDrMonitorHelper (App Store - installed 2022-02-08)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/HP Diagnose &
[Not Loaded] Launcher Disabler (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-09-21)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] OneDrive Launcher (Microsoft Corporation - installed 2021-09-21)
Modern Login Item
[Running] Slack (App Store - installed 2021-12-12)
[Not Loaded] Slack Login Helper (App Store - installed 2021-12-12)
Modern Login Item
/Applications/ Login
[Not Loaded] ToothFairy Helper (App Store - installed 2022-01-04)
Modern Login Item
[Not Loaded] iStatisticaProHelper (App Store - installed 2022-01-20)
Modern Login Item
[Loaded] iStatisticaSensorsHelper (Andrey Tsarkov - installed 2022-01-26)
Modern Login Item
Internet Plug-ins:
AdobeAAMDetect: (Adobe Inc. - installed 2022-02-01)
Audio Plug-ins:
ZoomAudioDevice: 1.0 (Zoom Video Communications, Inc. - installed 2021-11-11)
Auto backup: Yes
B***********s [Network] (Last used)
Total size: 677.51 GB
Total number of backups: 64
Oldest backup: 2021-09-21 08:56:19
Last backup: 2022-03-16 15:53:24
19 local snapshots
Oldest local snapshot: 2022-03-15 16:31:30
Last local snapshot: 2022-03-16 16:28:52
System Load: 2.65 (1 min ago) 2.63 (5 min ago) 3.07 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O speed: 0.85 MB/s
File system: 16.74 seconds
Write speed: 1236 MB/s
Read speed: 2246 MB/s
CPU Usage Snapshot:
Type Overall
System: 6 %
User: 6 %
Idle: 88 %
Top Processes Snapshot by CPU:
Process (count) CPU (Source - Location)
WindowServer 19.60 % (Apple)
RTProtectionDaemon 14.88 % (Malwarebytes Corporation)
mdworker_shared (12) 14.44 % (Apple)
firefox 13.76 % (Mozilla Corporation)
bluetoothd 5.48 % (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Memory:
Process (count) RAM usage (Source - Location)
plugin-container (7) 1.20 GB (Mozilla Corporation)
firefox 950 MB (Mozilla Corporation)
MTLCompilerService (20) 656 MB (Apple)
EtreCheckPro 637 MB (Etresoft, Inc.)
Google Chrome Helper (Renderer) (5) 490 MB (Google LLC)
Top Processes Snapshot by Network Use:
Process (count) Input / Output (Source - Location)
firefox 6 MB / 4 MB (Mozilla Corporation)
corespeechd 2 KB / 9 MB (Apple)
mDNSResponder 8 MB / 307 KB (Apple)
Mail 712 KB / 35 KB (Apple)
remoted 109 KB / 148 KB (Apple)
Top Processes Snapshot by Energy Use:
Process (count) Energy (0-100) (Source - Location)
WindowServer 7 (Apple)
RTProtectionDaemon 5 (Malwarebytes Corporation)
Finder 4 (Apple) 3 (Apple)
mds 2 (Apple)
Virtual Memory Information:
Physical RAM: 16 GB
Free RAM: 336 MB
Used RAM: 10.38 GB
Cached files: 5.30 GB
Available RAM: 5.62 GB
Swap Used: 0 B
Software Installs (past 60 days):
Install Date Name (Version)
2022-01-20 iStatistica Pro (4.1)
2022-01-23 PhotoSweeper (4.3.0)
2022-01-26 macOS 12.2 (12.2)
2022-02-02 Google Drive (
2022-02-02 Yubico Authenticator (5.1.0)
2022-02-08 Malwarebytes for Mac (1.0)
2022-02-08 HP Smart (
2022-02-12 macOS 12.2.1 (12.2.1)
2022-02-16 Bitwarden (1.31.3)
2022-02-18 Vanta Agent (2.1.0)
2022-02-26 FileZilla Pro (3.58.1)
2022-03-03 XProtectPlistConfigData (2157)
2022-03-09 JumpCloud Agent (1.0.2)
2022-03-09 MRTConfigData (1.90)
2022-03-14 WiFi Explorer (3.3.4)
2022-03-15 Command Line Tools for Xcode (13.3)
2022-03-15 macOS 12.3 (12.3)
2022-03-15 Microsoft AutoUpdate (4.45.22031300)
2022-03-15 Microsoft Excel (16.59.22031300)
2022-03-15 Microsoft PowerPoint (16.59.22031300)
2022-03-15 Microsoft Word (16.59.22031300)
Diagnostics Information (past 7-30 days):
2022-03-16 16:36:40 High CPU Use (153 times)
Executable: /Library/Application Support/Malwarebytes/*/Engine.bundle/Contents/PlugIns/
2022-03-16 13:18:35 Vanta Agent Crash (2 times)
Executable: /usr/local/vanta/Vanta
libsystem_c.dylib: Status items must refer to a valid window. connecti
on id = 0x00000000 window id = 0x00000000
2022-03-16 13:08:00 Hang
Executable: /Applications/
2022-03-16 03:23:53 mdsync High CPU Use (18 times)
Executable: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mdsync
2022-03-15 13:56:09 triald High CPU Use
Executable: /usr/libexec/triald
2022-03-15 13:29:19 Python Crash
Executable: /Applications/Yubico
2022-03-15 09:20:33 system_installd High CPU Use
Executable: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/PackageKit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/system_installd
End of report