Thank you for the insight! I am indeed required to have Sentinel One, as this is my work machine that is having the trouble (my home desktop and laptop are just fine). However, the kicker about this situation is that I have been having the spontaneous restarts since April of last year (one month after receiving it brand new) and have had it to the Genius Bar 6 times and 4 separate occasions of wiping the system clean and manually reinstalling EVERYTHING I use on a day-to-basis, but they were unable to pinpoint why it was restarting (speculations included bad apps/files I had loading at startup, something in the time machine backup I used to restore my system when the new machine arrived, external monitor, memory and Apple even replaced the logic board, hoping to fix the issue). They kept it for a week at the last visit in Dec 2021 and put it on a loop to open and close programs for 3 days straight hoping to recreate the restart, but alas, it didn't cooperate. But when I got it back to the shop, it was only 3 peaceful days before it started again. It has been a few months since the last episode [late Dec 2021] and I was cautiously optimistic that it was going to be nice, until late last week, when it started happening again ( 6 times in the past 3 days).
However, I will work on deleting ESET and pass on your concerns to our IT dept (Window lovers) to see if they will heed your warnings. It's worth a shot. Thanks again!!
If anyone would like a bit a light reading, I would be happy to post previous kernel/shutdown/panic logs and/or EtreCheck Reports.