My network consists of 4 Windows 11 computers (3 desktop and 1 laptop), 3 Apple TVs, an iPhone and an iPad. The configuration is a peer to peer LAN using RJ45 Gigabit cards using a Gigabit switch. Obviously the iPhone and iPad are on WiFi using a Gigabit modem. All the windows computers have iTunes, version, installed. On all my other devices, in both the Artist mode and Genre mode, the play and shuffle functions work by staying within the selected genre or selected artist. On the Apple TVs the play and shuffle functions work by staying within the selected genre but in the Artist mode if I click on either the play or shuffle function, outside the displayed albums icons, then the song played is from the whole catalog, not the selected artist. However if I click on either the play or shuffle function, within a displayed albums icon, then the song played is within that selected album.