word for mac
For the last coiole of weeks, all my documents created by Wordformac have appeared reduced to unreadably small print in the upper left quadrant of the page. What will straighten this ouit?
MacBook Pro
For the last coiole of weeks, all my documents created by Wordformac have appeared reduced to unreadably small print in the upper left quadrant of the page. What will straighten this ouit?
MacBook Pro
Increase the font size https://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch001614.htm or maybe drag the edge of a doc and enlarge it:
Try changing the default font size: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14826/change-the-default-font-size-in-word/
MS Office suite apps have excellent Help functions. You can type in plain language questions to get custom results.
Knowing the current operating system and version of Word would be helpful to those attempting to help you.
Word v16.61 (Office 2021 home and business) on macOS 12.4 works just fine.
word for mac