Sorry, apparently clicking on "Helpful" does not allow you to choose "Not Helpful", and clicking "Solved this Problem" does not allow you to choose "Did Not Solve the Problem". To be clear, this has NOT been helpful or Solved my issue yet and my issue will require more help... and there isn't an Apple Store in all of New Zealand, so no I have no access to Apple Geniuses... at least not in person.
Frankly I didn't understand what K_Faith was asking me to do. I haven't recently installed RAM or any peripherals or any 3rd Party Software. The only thing I did was allow an OS update within the last couple days. When my Macbook Pro started demanding access to Security Keys, I dismissed the request about 10 times and thought someone had gotten through a firewall and was trying to hack my computer! I didn't know what (who) "accountsD" was, or that I should have granted permission. Eventually the computer went into an unending cycle trying to reboot, but could not complete the sequence. It would do the standard request for my boot-up password, and then flash the screen a few moments into the re-boot sequence, and then it would go to a black-screen (off I expect), and restart the boot sequence by prompting me for my password. This would happen a dozen times before I would give up.
I've already put in my order for a NEW MacBook Pro, but I'm told it won't arrive until the end of July... in the meantime, I'd love to get my old MacBook Pro up and running for at least a bit longer. HELP!!!