Apple Pay can be compromised!
I had a few transactions in the middle of the night 1:54am 3 came through as shopping with actual people’s names. Same total. I thought I lost my wallet. But when I went to look for my keys to go to store when it opened there’s my wallet! Now when I text AppleCard to dispute transactions only 1 was pending the others declined as suspicious. They also used my bank debit card. So if I have my wallet and all cards are with me and my bank debit is linked to Apple Pay as default Apple Pay was in fact compromised. This is the only way they could access both cards. I have it set up to change security code on Apple Card and I won’t add my bank debit again. I don’t want to link my Apple Card either! I feel there’s no way of protection here! Per the questions from Apple Card specialist #5 suggests Apple Pay can definitely be compromised.