iMac GPU Overheating (Late 2014 build)
Hello Everyone!
I was doing some searching around on this forum and found that apparently this is a common issue. I know Mac's run hot, but I think mine is getting to the point where it completely shuts down.
While surfing the web or doing any generally low taxing activities on my computer, the system runs fine. The fan never speeds up, everything is normal.
However, any time I start up a game (I know Mac's are not for gaming), I'll usually get 10-20 mins of play time and then start to notice performance issues. I have a frame rate counter on while playing and it stays fairly consistent with no drops on the counter, but the game will start lagging. Like while playing driving games, it's like the vehicle surges while driving. Going normal speed, then slows, then normal speed, then slows. Even though the frame rate stays consistent. Doesn't make the game unplayable. Just annoying. Even when I change the graphics settings to bare minimum to try and make it easier on my computer, the surging still happens.
It's even worse when I try and run the same game on Windows using Bootcamp. I'll get 10-20 mins in, sometimes less, and the whole computer will shut down. Not restart. Just flat out shuts off. I have to start it back up using the power button on the back of the computer. No errors. No blue screen. Nothing. Even checking Window Event Recorder program does not point any fingers. Same thing with the graphics settings. Will lower everything to bare minimum and the computer will still shut off.
I downloaded a fan speed controller app, I forget which one, and noticed that my GPU temp was sitting at 80 C. Mind you this was while the computer was at rest. I wasn't running anything. All of the other temps (CPU, hard drive, etc.) were cooler. Some were 70's. Some were less. I set the fan to full blast (2800 rpms) and was able to play for a little while longer, but the computer still shut off after a period of time.
So, my question is, if the Windows operating system notices the GPU hit a certain temperature, would the entire computer just shut down? It only completely shuts down while using Windows. I only notice performance issues using MacOS. The computer does not shut down while gaming on the MacOS side.
Computer Specs:
27" iMac 5k Retina (Late 2014)
4.0 GHz Intel i7
8 GB of RAM (I think. I'm currently not at home so I am not positive on this)
1 TB Fusion Drive
4 GB AMD Radeon R9 M295X
iMac Line (2012 and Later)