HP 8020 prints color document as a black page from Preview
If I attempt to print a document from Preview such as a vehicle title in color on my HP 8020 the whole page comes out as a black sheet.
This is a pdf document that was created using an Epson scanner.
I have attempted to print it via Acrobat but nothing happens, doesn't even wake the printer and nothing shows in the queue as waiting to print.
If I try to print from Photoshop it prints fine.
If printing a color text document from Mail everything prints fine. Or a color text document from Preview it also prints fine.
I am stumped as to what I need to do to get Preview to print the document correctly in color. Selecting black and white in the print dialog it prints fine although as a black and white document with all the scrolling and fancy graphics that a vehicle title has.
I called HP and talked to a CS agent and he believes that it is a Preview issue as well.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mac laptop 10.14.6 Mojave.
This post does not have anything to do with displays. Only closest option to select as the topic did not show printers.
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.14