Error code 8058 on 27 inch 2012 iMac
How do I
fix error 8058 on 27 inch 2012 Imac
iMac 27″, macOS 10.15
How do I
fix error 8058 on 27 inch 2012 Imac
iMac 27″, macOS 10.15
Error code 8058 is most likely a bad finder.plist file.
Start with this...
Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at startup), does the problem occur in Safe Mode? Could take 10 minutes or more.
~ tilde indicates your home folder
Apple hid the Users' Library folders...
Method 1:
delete the finder.plist file
~ tilde indicates your home folder
Apple hid the Users' Library folders...
Method 1:
Safe mode attempts to repair Disks & clears lots of caches & loads safe Drivers, & prevents loading of 3rd party extensions, so if Safe Mode works try again in regular boot.
Tried the procedure you shared without any success. I do however appreciate your sharing of expertise. I will try some other suggestions.
To find out if it's system wide or user specific, try this...
Open System Preferences>Users & Groups, unlock the lock, click on the little plus icon, make a new admin account, log out & into the new account.
Does it work in the new account?
I logged in as the second administrator and it still gave me the error code 8058 so I reinstalled macOS Catalina and everything is working correctly.
Thanks again for your assistance.
Good work, thanks for the report my friend! :)
Error code 8058 on 27 inch 2012 iMac