Hello carolynfromalamo,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. When you originally got your iPhone Wallet with MagSafe did you set it up to use with Find My for your account? These are the steps you would have gone through:
Add your iPhone Wallet with MagSafe to Find My on iPhone - Apple Support
If you do remember making sure it was added your Find My for your account, here's how to use Find My to try to locate it:
Use the Find My app to locate a missing device or item - Apple Support
1. Open the Find My app.
2. Choose the Devices or Items tab.
3. Select the device or item to locate it on the map. If you belong to a Family Sharing group, you can locate the devices in your group.
4. Choose Directions to open its location in Maps.
Keep in mind that if you're using the Find My app, you can't see your device's location if more than seven days have passed since its last location was sent to Apple.
You can also Find My through the weblink here: iCloud - Find My
Also be aware that an older model of the iPhone Leather Wallet with MagSafe was not compatible with Find My. The model that was compatible with Find My was released in the second half of September 2021, and is available in the following colors: Golden Brown, Dark Cherry, Wisteria, Sequoia Green, and Midnight.
Reply back with any additional questions.
Take care.