APPLEAL wrote:
So, assuming Adobe Acrobat Reader (the free version) is available in the App Store and I originally dloaded it from Adobe's website, and I trash Adobe from my Applications folder, then I MIGHT get the option to dload updated versions when I want rather than Adobe auto dloading it ?
Yes, hypothetically speaking. However, Adobe Acrobat is not in the Mac App Store.
Plus, if the version of Adobe Acrobat that you originally downloaded was able to update itself automatically, then trashing it from the Applications folder is not the correct way to uninstall it. Hypothetically speaking, it could simply reinstall itself. It probably wouldn't do that. Instead, the most likely result would be that the Adobe Acrobat updater tries to update itself, maybe crashes, maybe spits out a few megabytes of error message, but ultimately fails, repeated for all eternity.
Still seems strange, as I have no applications that update automatically...they always ask for my approval and password.
That does seem strange, as virtually every app automatically updates itself these days.
Personally, I would think that Apple would require any app to give the user the option of automatic vs non automatic loads.
They do, but Apple only has control over the Mac App Store. If you download apps from other sources, then you give those developers virtually full control over your computer. (In recent years, Apple has limited that control. 3rd party apps can no longer modify the operating system or directly access your Documents, Desktop, or Downloads folder without your permission.)
But when it comes to the app itself, that belongs to the developer, not you. If the developer wants to update it and you refuse, they could prevent you from running it. That is not under the control of Apple.
I have sent my thoughts to their feedback section.
Good luck!