How can I get my iPad receipt?
Hello, how can I get my receipt about a IPad? I can’t
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPad Air 4 Wi-Fi
Hello, how can I get my receipt about a IPad? I can’t
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPad Air 4 Wi-Fi
That would largely depend upon where, when (or how) you purchased your iPad…
If purchased directly from the Apple website, or Apple Store App, you should receive a confirmation email - and after your product ships, a further email with your invoice should be sent to you. Otherwise, your receipt may be available from within your AppleID account. Install the Apple Store App - access the For You tab, then tap your initials at top-right of the screen. Next select Your Orders; if your purchase is visible, you’ll find a link to the associated invoice.
If purchased from a retailer other than Apple, you’ll need to approach the retailer from which your made your purchase.
How can I get my iPad receipt?