Hello Cakesandcones111,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. You can hide the photos you don't want to see in your photo library by following the steps here:
1- Hide: Tap
, then tap Hide in the list of options.
2- Hidden photos are moved to the Hidden album. You can’t view them anywhere else.
3- To turn off the Hidden album so it doesn’t appear in Albums, go to Settings
> Photos, then turn off Hidden Album.
Delete or hide photos and videos on iPhone - Apple Support
We're suggesting to hide these photos as if you deleted them from your library, they will be deleted from all your albums. Check this out:
Remove photos and videos from an album
1- Open the album, then tap the photo or video you want to remove to view it in full screen.
2- Tap
, then choose one of the following:
• Remove from Album: The photo is removed from that album, but remains in other albums and your library.
• Delete from Library: The photo is removed from all albums and your library and moves to the Recently Deleted album.
To remove multiple photos or videos from an album, tap Select, tap the photo and video thumbnails you want to remove, then tap
Use albums in Photos on iPhone - Apple Support
We hope this information is useful. Kind regards.