You are not addressing Apple here. This is not the place for complaints or inquiring about legal action, but for asking for help.
Without seeing the device, your description of symptoms suggest a worn display cable. At different screen angles, the electrical communications over the cable can be interrupted. However, the only proper determination of cause is through a hands-on inspection.
However, this is not a common failure in Retina MacBook Pros. I've been here a long time and it was more likely to happen to G4 PowerBooks and 1Gen Macbook Pros (2006 through about mid 2008) that used a very different multi-component display configuration from the unified display assembly in Retina models. Since the Retinas came out in Late 2012, I've seen only a handful of "position-dependent" flickering or blackout complaints, with only one confirmed as a worn cable.
Again, it could be something else , but asking here is going to get you what other users have experienced. The fact remains you must get a professional evaluation in order to move forward with this.