I, too, recommend evicting CMM with extreme prejudice. For over 20 years the macOS has been self-cleaning and self-maintaining with elegant, automated routines that take care of all the housekeeping needed. They even defrag.
Third-party scamware that claim to clean, optimize, tune up, or find your Mac a mate are only interfering with the elegance you paid Apple to build into the operating system. The results are slowdowns and instability.
Try restarting your computer more often that every 16 days.\:
System Software:
macOS Ventura 13.0 (22A380)
Time since boot: About 16 days
This drive data is concerning:
System Load: 20.40 (1 min ago) 22.55 (5 min ago) 21.06 (15 min ago)
Nominal I/O usage: 23.11 MB/s
File system: 73.24 seconds
Write speed: 35 MB/s
Read speed: 795 MB/s
Both are far under nominals but the Write speed is abysmal, actually slower by half than the sorry, under-spec 5400-rpm mech hard drive that came in my 2012 Macbook Pro.
Both should be showing four digits with that SSD spec. First rerun EtreCheck after evictiing CleanMyMac. I've sen CMM slow drive perforamcne in other reports.
Is those numbers do not improve, restart the computer in Safe Mode:
How to use safe mode on your Mac
and let it sit unused in Safe Mode for 1-2 hours. That might help with doing some tidying up of the SSD.
And I agree with HWTech that the tiny amount on free space on your internal drive could be a significant issue.