Associate Previous TimeMachine with clean install Mac (macOS Ventura)
Hi. I've just made a clean install of macOS Ventura in my 15" Macbook Pro 2018 (Intel) but had previous backups on my TimeCapsule from my previous Monterrey install. I've tried the simple option of "Use exisitng backup" but nothing happens…
Also, I've read a bunch of tutorials trying to "associate" previous backup with new one but do not seem to fully understand what tmuntil command is asking for:
% tmutil associatedisk
Usage: tmutil associatedisk [-a] mount_point volume_backup_directory
A local volume mount point and a snapshot volume path are required.
andresurena@mbp-andresurena ~ %
What should I write? Honestly, don't have a clue. Please help.
This is my TimeMachine:
MacBook Pro