Cannot find this file to rid my iMac of it
My gear: 2020 iMac, SSD, macOS 13.0
Multiple time a day, this alert slides out at the top, right or my desktop.
I went hunting online and found that Corsair Memory are the developers of the free Memtest application which I probably ran at some time in the past to check my RAM.
I no longer have the Application and when I do a thorough search of my iMac for the word “corsair” using Find Any File, it finds absolutely nothing.
I went into System Settings > General > Login Items and under [Allow In Background] turned off Corsair but I would love to be able to find it on my Hard Drive and eliminate it once and for all.
I did another search, using Find Any File/Startup Disk for [Name] [Contains] “corsair" and then repeated it again for “memtest”, and FaF found nothing.
Where could this “background Items Added” possibly be???
For the record in Login Items in Ventura I have:
• CloudClip
I also looked in System Settings > Notifications, but nothing in there either.
As if to mock me, as I am posting this, the above alert popped up on my desktop once again.!!
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.15