How do I share Apple TV+ with an Android user?
I'm supposed to be able to share TV+ with my family. My wife has an Android phone. How do I share with her so she can watch TV when I am not around?
iPhone SE
I'm supposed to be able to share TV+ with my family. My wife has an Android phone. How do I share with her so she can watch TV when I am not around?
iPhone SE
Thanks, will give it a go! Will also suggest Apple make this info more accessible. Better to try & win converts from Android via user friendliness than to make Apple ecosystem look like a pain in the posterior.
Thanks, will give it a go! Will also suggest Apple make this info more accessible. Better to try & win converts from Android via user friendliness than to make Apple ecosystem look like a pain in the posterior.
Read this article about All the ways to watch Apple TV+ - Apple Support
On the web: Go to [in a web browser]and sign with your Apple ID or create a new one to watch an Apple TV+ subscription.
Lemme rephrase this: how do I share so that they can watch on a television, not a PC or phone?
Again I refer you to the earlier document, mostly Watch on Smart TVs and streaming devices - Apple Support. Click on the table of contents. There are too many ways for me to copy and paste them here (besides, the forum software really makes hash of them when I do that with my browser). Some smart TVs support the Apple TV app. Some require third party devices or an Apple TV device.
She can watch at
How do I share Apple TV+ with an Android user?