how do i get ride of a old id
i have a old email address
poping up all the timed asking for password and i can not delete it
i have a old email address
poping up all the timed asking for password and i can not delete it
Hello nickfromwestlake,
This situation can happen if there are apps that are installed on the device that were installed under a different Apple ID, and they need updating.
The best way to resolve this is to delete the app requesting the update, and then download it again using the Apple ID that is signed in with the device.
You want to be careful that you do not lose any data, so be sure to check with the app developer to determine if removing the app will cause data loss.
These steps from Delete apps on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch - Apple Support will help you remove the app:
How to delete an app
1. Touch and hold the app.
2. Tap Remove App.
3. Tap Delete App, then tap Delete to confirm.
Keep in mind that some built-in Apple apps can't be deleted from your device, so you might not see the option to delete an app. Here’s a list of built-in Apple apps you can delete from your device. If you can't delete an app that's not made by Apple, disable parental controls, then try deleting the app again.
If you touch and hold an app from the Home Screen and the apps start to jiggle:
1. Tap the Remove iconin the upper-left corner of the app.
2. Tap Delete App, then tap Delete to confirm.
3. Tap Done.
Once deleted, adding the app using the correct Apple ID should resolve the issue: Download apps and games on your iPhone or iPad - Apple Support
how do i get ride of a old id