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Ventura 13.2 no longer recognizes Pioneer BDR-XD07UHD as an optical drive

The system is an Intel iMac that was just upgraded to 13.2. After updating to Ventura 13.2, the Pioneer BDR-XD07UHD blu ray drive is no longer recognized by MacOS as an optical drive. The drive was recognized correctly and worked correctly immediately prior to upgrading from 13.1 to 13.2.

I've also checked a second BDR-XD07UHD drive on the iMac, and neither is recognized as an optical drive. I've just tested both drives with an M1 Air running 13.1, and an Intel Air running 12.6.2. Both OSs recognize the drive as an optical drive, and work correctly,

Back to the 13.2 iMac system, the drive is seen on USB:

Pioneer Blu-ray Drive:

  Product ID:	0x017a
  Vendor ID:	0x08e4  (Pioneer Corporation)
  Version:	1.00
  Serial Number:	1401081112800243
  Speed:	Up to 5 Gb/s
  Manufacturer:	Pioneer Corporation
  Location ID:	0x00200000 / 3
  Current Available (mA):	900
  Current Required (mA):	8
  Extra Operating Current (mA):	0

Interestingly, if I connect the USB device to a parallels VM running Windows on the iMac, the drive is seen as an optical device and functions correctly from within Windows.

However, if I connect the USB device to a parallels VM running MacOS 13.2, the drive is seen on the USB but is still not seen as an optical device.

Looks like a regression in MacOS 13.2.

iMac (24-inch, M1, 2021, 2 ports)

Posted on Jan 25, 2023 3:56 PM


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Jan 26, 2023 3:59 PM in response to dennypage

Give this a try: boot into Safe Mode according to How to use safe mode on your Mac and test to see if the problem persists. Reboot normally and test again.

NOTE 1: Safe Mode boot can take up to 3 - 5 minutes as it's doing the following; 

• Verifies your startup disk and attempts to repair directory issues, if needed

• Loads only required kernel extensions (prevents 3rd party kernel/extensions from loading)

• Prevents Startup Items and Login Items from opening automatically

• Disables user-installed fonts 

• Deletes font caches, kernel cache, and other system cache files

NOTE 2: if you have a wireless keyboard with rechargeable batteries connect it with its charging cable before booting into Safe Mode. This makes it act as a wired keyboard as will insure a successful boot into Safe Mode.


Jan 26, 2023 2:10 PM in response to dennypage

EIther pioneer will issue a firmware update, Ventura 13.3 will fix the issue, or there is no solution. All of the "me to" posts here won't change a thing with either vendor.

Pioneer did issue firmware updates for some of their older drives to give them compatibility with macOS Catalina, but that firmware is no guarantee of future macOS release compatibility.

Booting a Mac into Safe Boot mode followed by a normal reboot may clear some system caches that may play a role in blocking drive discovery, but that is a long shot.


Feb 5, 2023 12:11 AM in response to dennypage

Are you folks not reading? This can be fixed with very little effort! If you have Apple Silicon just switch up the recovery method, or use a bootable installer for a previous version.

Intel method:



Jan 29, 2023 1:50 PM in response to R.Gonzalez

The only solution I found is to roll back macOS to Ventura 13.1 or earlier. Here’s how (DO NOT skip any steps):

  1. Use Time Machine to back up your files. This does NOT back up the OS…just your software and preferences.
  2. If you care about how your launchpad looks, take screenshots of each page and folder…Time Machine ignores the launchpad. Save these on a thumb drive for later.
  3. Check your iCloud settings to make sure anything you care about losing is stored in the cloud. If this isn’t already done, set this up and wait several hours or a full day to ensure everything is backed up the way you want it!
  4. Download Ventura 13.1 from Apple (I used a link available at MrMacintosh.com https://mrmacintosh.com/macos-ventura-13-full-installer-database-download-directly-from-apple/
  5. Launch the downloaded file and follow the prompts. This does NOT intstall the OS. It will only drop the MacOS installer in your Applications directory.
  6. Copy the Ventura installer to a separate external/thumb drive (NEVER put it on your Time Machine drive).
  7. Restart your machine and hold SHIFT + OPTION + COMMAND + R which will take you to a special recovery console that allows you to reinstall the OS version your Mac shipped with…but first…
  8. In the RECOVERY menu, Go to Disk Utility, select VIEW, and Show All Items. Expand your main hard disk and be sure you see Macintosh HD in the tree structure. Your main HDD’s name (Apple SSD…or something similar) will have a container item just below it. Select that high level container item, and click Erase in the top of the window. Make sure its named “Macintosh HD” nothing else. Choose APFS, and GUID partition map. There should usually be a checkbox to erase any other container disks. CHECK THIS BOX. Otherwise you’ll end up with multiple HDDs in your finder. Erase the disk, and close Disk utility.
  9. At the main screen , select Reinstall MacOS. This will install the original version your Mac came with.
  10. When MacOS is installed, plug in your drive with Ventura 13.1 on it. Copy it to the Applications directory to prevent any disk read errors. Then launch the update.
  11. When it’s done, follow whatever prompts it asks for, skip anything you don’t care about….
  12. Hit Command + spacebar and type Migration Assistant. Launch the Migration assistant and use it to restore your Time Machine backup.
  13. Use the screenshots you took to fix your launchpad the way you like it, and enjoy 13.1 and your working optical drives!


Jan 26, 2023 1:01 PM in response to dennypage

Same issue for me with a BDR-XD07TS.

Got in touch with Apple support and they asked me to consult https://pioneer.jp/support/download/index-e.html to try to solve the issue.

Strangely enough the drive is listed in the system report (USB section) but not in Disk Utility. When launching the firmware updater, it does not see the drive, so cannot update it.

Had a friend of mine kindly update the drive to latest firmware from Panasonic on a Windows machine, but still not working after applying the update.

I can confirm it was working with 13.1.

Got 4 different drives, manufactured between 2019 and 2021 and none of these do work.


Jan 26, 2023 3:23 PM in response to VikingOSX

I have to disagree with you here. In my experience with customer support, the "me to" posts raise the visibility of a defect, and help communicate the breadth of impact from the it. Vendors always pay more attention to defects that have wider impact. That's a simple fact of life in vendor support.

As to approaching Pioneer about fixing this... doubtful outcome at best. This seems to be a clear regression in MacOS between 13.1 and 13.2. The value I would see in approaching Pioneer on this matter is that they might in turn raise the visibility of the issue with Apple.


Jan 26, 2023 4:43 PM in response to Old Toad

I booted into Safe Mode and let it do its thing for 10-15 minutes. After reboot no change.

I got on the phone with Apple Support for a fair amount of time and we ran through a series of troubleshooting steps, none of which solved the issue. The tech was very thorough, and he gathered up a bunch of information, and he is going to follow up with me next week. I directed him to this thread, as well as the thread over on MacRumors about Ventura 13.2, so hopefully we see some resolution for this issue soon.


Jan 26, 2023 4:50 PM in response to Old Toad

Unfortunately safe mode does not affect it. I believe that this was noted above. Reading on the Macrumors forum, it appears that some other types of drives also stopped functioning correctly in 13.2. Safe mode appears to help with some of those, but apparently not with optical drives.

[Edited by Moderator]


Jan 27, 2023 6:31 AM in response to dennypage

I have the exact same problem. My external blu ray worked fine before 13.2 and now the computer don’t recognize it anymore but the drive still works when it’s plugged. I read many people have problems with External HDD, SSD or optical drives that is not recognized over USB after the update but those people are on silicon macs so I don’t know if it’s related. Personally I’m on a 2020 Intel iMac and all my external HDDs are working fine, only the external blu ray that’s not working anymore.


Jan 27, 2023 9:10 AM in response to SoYoung24

I have a 2018 Intel Mac Mini that recognizes my other drives (SSD and Hard Disk for Time Machine), but it will not recognize my Blu-Ray drive. This is REALLY making me question if I wanna ride my Intel Mac until the brakes fall off instead of getting one of the Silicon Macs.


Ventura 13.2 no longer recognizes Pioneer BDR-XD07UHD as an optical drive

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